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Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Medical Science

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Understand The Cause of Weight Gain

An overproduction of insulin may lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which in turn may induce constant sugar cravings and weight gain. One of insulin’s primary functions is to regulate blood sugar levels, however, it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it “locks” the fat into the fat cell, preventing it from being used as a source of energy. Now, because the blood sugar has dropped (and we can’t access the fat as a fuel source) it creates “sugar cravings’ and the vicious cycle begins again. In other words, an over abundance of insulin can cause weight gain.

“The cause of many weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn – very much like the North American diet – causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.”

— Dr. Tran Tien

Why the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method?

Firstly, because the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method helps to maintain muscle mass. Remember, muscles burn calories.

Secondly, and most importantly, because it’s now known that whatever the reasons for weight gain, there’s always a common denominator: insulin dysfunction and pancreatic dysfunction.

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas when you eat simple or complex carbohydrates.

Insulin has two roles in the body:

• Lower blood sugar levels by facilitating uptake of sugar as “food” for the cells of our body.
• Promote fat storage. It converts the combination of sugar and fat we eat into stored fat (adipose)

If an individual does not have a weight problem and eats sugar, their pancreas will produce exactly the right amount of insulin needed to bring their blood sugar to a normal level and no fat is stored.

However, if an overweight individual eats sugar, their pancreas will produce more insulin than necessary (insulin resistance)

Here are consequences of excess insulin production (hyperinsulinemia):

• Insulin will cause that individual’s blood sugar level to fall too low. He or she will tend to be hypoglycemic and crave more sugar.
• At the same time, the excess insulin will make that individual gain weight because, as was mentioned earlier, insulin is the hormone that causes weight gain.

When the pancreas is in this state, it is functioning like an overheated engine.

When an engine overheats, it must be shut off to enable it to cool down. Once it has cooled you can then restart it to make it more efficient.

This is exactly what you will do with your pancreas. By restricting simple and complex carbohydrate intake you will give your pancreas much needed rest and the time to regenerate. Learn More about the Ideal Protein Products Here!

Click Here to Schedule Your FREE 15-Minute Consultation

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