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Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

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Also Known As “Syndrome X”…

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method’s goal is to help address the issues surrounding metabolic syndrome, or “Syndrome X”. To qualify as part of this epidemic that is steamrolling North America, adults or children must meet two of the four criteria below:
Blood sugar issues (Diabetes)
Cholesterol problems
High blood pressure

Studies have shown through clinical weight loss, these four symptoms can be drastically reduced over time.

Factors that may lead to these conditions are:
• Excessive carbohydrate consumption
• Excessive stored body fat, especially in the abdominal area, due to its active hormonal activity
• Nutrient deficiencies
• High oxidative stress, which depletes antioxidants
• Prolonged demand on the pancreas to produce insulin
• Excessive stress (high adrenaline and cortisol)

A sustained program of lifestyle and diet changes combined with proper nutrient supplementation can reverse and correct most of the underlying causes of metabolic syndrome.

It is important to live mindfully and healthfully. Our bodies are powerful, yet delicate and sensitive systems. Often times, there are direct solutions to problems. If you notice hot showers and bar soap are aggravating eczema, change your habits. This mindset must be applied to the way we introduce nutrition to our bodies. But it is important to know there is no easy fix. Ideal Protein, however, does offer a quick path to losing weight and reversing Metabolic Syndrome.

Fads don’t work. Diets don’t work. Changing your life works.

Learn More about the Ideal Protein Method!

Click Here to Schedule Your FREE 15-Minute Consultation

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