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Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta after implantation. The presence of hCG is detected in some pregnancy tests (hCG pregnancy strip tests).

The physician Dr. Simeons popularized the hCG diet after he published his original study in 1954. Multiple studies done since then have used different protocols, and so outcomes and results have varied. It has been a controversial diet. When you follow the original protocol that Dr. Simeons used, the protocol works quite well for weight loss. We’ve found the program to be safe and effective–hCG has helped hundreds of patients lose weight successfully. More importantly, many of their other health conditions have improved as well, including blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, low back pain, joint pain, fatigue, among many others.

Here’s how it works…

hCG is released during pregnancy and affects mood, hunger and pain. The theory is during pregnancy, in times of decreased food intake, due to ‘morning sickness’, the body preserves muscle and helps fat to be used as fuel instead.

On a side note, its pain-relieving benefit is why hCG also gets prescribed for rheumatologic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

When compared to a placebo study, patients receiving hCG injections were not as hungry and felt better. hCG reduces the production of fat cells and stimulates the hypothalamus to secrete fat-activating substances that inhibit the storage of new body fat.

Although this diet is very low in calories, our patients are rarely hungry or tired. We offer 23-day or 40-day cycle treatments.

Schedule an Appointment by e-mailing [email protected] or give us a call at (206) 903-6111

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